- All trash/recycling must be set out for pickup by 11:59 p.m. the night before your pickup day. If your trash is not out, it will not be picked up until your next scheduled pickup day.
- All trash totes must be placed at the curbside or next to the street, with the handles towards the house.
- All totes must be easily accessible and 4’ from each other or any objects including mailboxes or vehicles.
- All trash must be bagged and in your tote. Please, no loose trash, no cans or bags over 35 lbs. If it is too heavy for one man to lift, it will not be taken.
- Trash must be contained within the toter and not overflowing or spilling out.
- The trash limit is 95 gallons of trash weekly per paying customer.
- Trash must be from your house only. No extra trash from friends, neighbors, relatives, or personal businesses. (Each trash tote holds 95 gallons.)
Extra Garbage
Your quarterly rate does not cover the collection of garbage that does not fit easily in your tote when the lid is closed. If you need extra garbage bags, they can be purchased at your local municipality office or Southampton Township Trash Office located at 200 Airport Road, Shippensburg, PA 17257, and you must call Southampton Township one day before your pick-up day and inform them you will have additional blue bags out for pick-up.
Proper Placement of Totes
Incorrect placement of totes
Overflowing will not be picked up