Types of Service

Types of Trash Service

  • Full Service includes a 96-gallon  trash tote and a recycling tote that is provided by Apple Valley Waste ( Parks ). ALL TRASH MUST BE BAGGED AND IN THE TRASH TOTE.
  • Recycling should not be placed in a bag, and it must be cleaned before being placed in the recycling tote.
  • Bag Service Only Does not include recycling or bulk pickup – Trash bags can be purchased from the township or your municipality. This option benefits the customers who do not have enough trash to collect each week. These are blue bags to be identified by the trash truck driver. A minimum of 12 bags @ $5.00 per bag must be purchased per year. For each trash bag that is put out, the weight should not exceed 35 pounds.
  • Bag customers are not eligible for the recycling program. If they want to include recycling, they must pay the extra fee. Additionally, bulk pickup is not included with bag customer service.
  • Recycling Service Only does not include trash pickup or bulk item pickup.

Trash/Garbage Defined

Trash/garbage shall include all matter and materials that are discarded or rejected by the owners. Included are garbage, rubbish, trash, and other refuse materials, but shall exclude human body waste, medical waste, hazardous waste, any debris or construction materials, dirt, rock, concrete, lead pipe, limbs, tree trunks, and any vegetation, including grass clippings.

Bulk Items Pickup

The contract also provides for one bulk item per week.  Contact the Township Trash Office two business days before your scheduled pickup day.  The regular route pickup driver will not pick up a bulk item unless it is scheduled ahead of time.  Contact Southampton Township Trash at (717)-532-9646 – Ext 102 to schedule a pickup.  Unacceptable materials: Construction waste, batteries, tires, paint, and hazardous materials. Large bulk items do not include appliances ( white goods )

Types of Recyclables

Please refer to the Park’s Guidelines for Recycling. Please note, that Apple Valley Waste LLC reserves the right to accept or reject recyclables placed for collection due to contamination, and the company may also amend as required the list of approved recyclable items.

Bag customers are not eligible for the recycling program.  If they want to include recycling, they must pay the extra fee.



If you have any questions, you can contact the
Southampton Township Trash Office
200 Airport Road
Shippensburg, Pa 17257
(717)-532-9646 – Ext 102
Email: twptrash@southamptontwp.com